Through a partnership with MRSC, Enduris members have access to a full array of services and resources on local government issues including municipal law, public records, open public meetings, budgeting and finance, public administration, public works and utilities, governance, and more.


Another Local Government Partner

For more about MRSC and their services, visit

MRSC’s services include:


One-To-One Consultation

If you have a question, members can connect with a MRSC staff attorney or professional policy consultant to get answers. You can also browse their online Inquiry Archive to review common questions and answers.

Phone: 800-933-6772


Research Tools

At, you can explore subject pages on a wide variety of local government issues, obtain practical guidance through online publications (e.g., handbooks, reports), easily find information on court decisions and state statutes, and access an extensive collection of local government references and example documents to see what others are doing and how they’re doing it.


Timely Information

By signing up to receive their popular e-newsletters or following the MRSC Insight Blog, you can stay informed about the most important emerging issues and featured practices for local governments in Washington.


Training Opportunities

Enduris has partnered with MRSC to provide training specifically customized for Enduris members. We will keep you informed about those offerings throughout the year. MRSC also offers webinars and training on general governance topics that are available to all local government professionals. Check their website regularly to view and register for upcoming trainings.
