Member Portal

The member portal allows members to view information on their policies and schedules, request changes, access policy documents, and provides additional resources.

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Members now have two ways to access their member portal in Origami.
If you are currently logged into this website,, you can now be passed straight into your Origami Dashboard by using the orange button below. If you do not see an orange button, please log in or request your account below.

If you have not yet created a login to this website, you can access Origami with your legacy login by using the grey button below.
When using this method please remember the Account Name is Enduris and the User Name is your district’s 3 digit member ID number.

Using either link will take you away from the Enduris public web page and open a new window to Enduris’ data system ‘Origami Risk’.
If you need assistance logging in, please contact Ryan Wilson at 509.252.2486.


Enduris has made available a recording of their Member Portal Webinar which gives an overview of the portal and its functions.

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