Enduris is committed to developing strong partnerships with its members. Part of the commitment is an emphasis on providing a strong capital base that members can rely upon to provide stable rates, claim resolution, and risk management.
Enduris is committed to developing strong partnerships with its members. Part of the commitment is an emphasis on providing a strong capital base that members can rely upon to provide stable rates, claim resolution, and risk management.
Below is an interactive version of our 2023 Annual Report. You can view the report in full screen by clicking the full screen button in the low right of the window. A downloadable PDF of the 2023 Annual Report is available at the top of the bulleted list below.
Each year, Enduris publishes the following reports to meet statutory requirements and to demonstrate to the membership stewardship of the public funds entrusted to us. Please click the associated links to be directed to the current reports. Contact the office if you would like a printed copy of a previous report.