Top 5 Tips for Setting Up Your Supervisor for Success

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Managers, Directors, and HR Professionals.


Janet May, Sound Employment Solutions

We are currently seeing a dramatic change in our leadership makeup as our experienced supervisors retire and are replaced with a new crop of leaders. Despite preparing themselves for leadership, many of these new supervisors report feeling overwhelmed when they actually step into the job, facing challenges such as unwelcoming work teams who resent having someone with less practical experience lead their team or supervising former colleagues and not knowing how to set appropriate boundaries. As their Manager, Director, or Human Resources advisor, you have the opportunity to make this transition easier and help set the supervisor up for success. In this interactive seminar, you will receive tips derived not only from the instructor’s experience working with teams and supervisors over the years but also from the feedback she has received from supervisors attending her classes. Specifically, you will learn:

  • The importance of having an initial discussion with the supervisor and the key issues to cover, such as their level of authority, your key expectations, the importance of setting boundaries with their employees, and when they need to seek direction.
  • Why you should meet with the work team about your expectations for how the team and the supervisor will work together and what topics to cover.
  • What supervisory training topics will help reduce supervisory risk, and how to supplement that training with supervisory toolkits.
  • How to help the supervisor work through staff performance issues.
  • The need to help foster the supervisor’s collaboration with human resources, other departments, and other key stakeholders.


Participant Expectations:
  • Participants are expected to have video camera capabilities and must fully participate in small group breakouts and other group interactive activities using audio or chat features as instructed by the trainer.
  • Participants must attend the entire training to receive attendance credit.


  • Participants must register in advance to participate.
  • Cancellation is required at least 2 business days before the training date.
Note: Please login to your account if you wish to register to this event.


Apr 02 2025


9:30 am - 11:30 am




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