Risk sharing pools were born out of necessity in response to a serious problem that plagues public entities: lack of affordable insurance.

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The Washington Governmental Entity Pool (WGEP) was organized in 1987 by four founding members who found liability insurance in the open market either unaffordable or unavailable. 

WGEP was established to provide risk financing to its member government entities for liability and property coverage. The Pool’s general objectives are to formulate, develop and administer on behalf of the members, a program of insurance that offers lower costs for broader coverage and comprehensive loss control programs. The Pool transfers its risk by buying reinsurance and excess insurance over the Pool’s self-insured retention.

History, WGEP, Enduris

In 2008, we changed our name to Enduris Washington and updated our brand by adopting a new logo and visual identity. The change is meant to convey our confidence and excitement for the future as we work toward furthering our mission and goals.

Enduris Campus
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Enduris is the premier risk sharing pool for special purpose districts in Washington. We are widely recognized, in Washington and nationwide, as a leader in the risk pooling industry.

We are government risk experts with a passion for service. We provide coverage and risk management solutions that are comprehensive and uncomplicated. Our membership includes over 500 local governments or special purpose districts that “pool” resources to share risk and reduce cost. 

We provide stability in the midst of uncertainty, allowing members to focus on serving their communities. We are Reliability in a Risky World.

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Our Mission

To provide financial protection, broad coverage, and risk management services responsive to members’ needs.

Enduris is a mission-driven organization that:

  • Governs and hires ethical staff who act with integrity
  • Provides quality service in order to build long-term relationships with members
  • Sustains in the face of all challenges
  • Supports excellence
  • Foster communication, mutual trust, and respect
Sheryl Brandt with member
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